You do not have to live with urinary incontinence!!

Recently there seems to be an increase in advertisements for urinary incontinence. Companies are promoting their bladder leakage pads, or their bladder support systems. While these ads focus only on the symptoms we can help solve the problem itself!

Urinary leaking is very common— at least 50% of all women will experience urinary leaking during their lifetime, and 30% of women will leak urine during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Urinary leaking is common in men as well, particularly post-prostatectomy.

Below are some misconceptions about urinary incontinence and how pelvic physical therapy can help:

  • If you’ve had kids, you have to live with urinary incontinence.
    • While urinary leaking is common with women during and following pregnancy, it’s not something you have to live with! Many changes occur during pregnancy and childbirth which make urinary leaking more common, such as weakened pelvic floor muscles or tears that occur during delivery. However, these muscles can be trained and strengthened with targeted exercise.
  • Urinary leaking is a part of normal aging.
    • Urinary leaking may be common in older adults, but it isn’t “normal.” Our body experiences many changes as we age, which may make leaking more frequent, but it isn’t inevitable or unchangeable.
  • Drinking less water will prevent you from leaking
    • The only sure thing reducing your water intake is going prevent is good hydration. Reducing your fluid intake makes your urine more concentrated, which can make urinary leaking worse, not better. Proper hydration is important for improving urinary leaking as well as total body health.
  • Surgery is the only treatment option.
    • Urinary incontinence can be caused by a variety of things, including weak or poorly coordinated pelvic floor muscles, bad habits, and more. Surgery isn’t appropriate for all kinds of leaking, and isn’t the only option in cases where it may be appropriate. Surgery is considered when other options, such as behavior changes and pelvic floor muscle training, have failed.
  • If you experience leaking, just do lots of Kegels to strengthen your muscles.
    • Not all leaking is from weak pelvic floor muscles. Muscles can be tight or poorly coordinated, so pure strengthening may not help the root issue. Additionally, many people don’t know how to properly perform a Kegel or pelvic floor squeeze, so they may not be using the muscles they’re trying to strengthen.
  • Urinary leaking only happens to women.
    • Many men have urinary leaking following prostate cancer treatment. Healthy habit changes and pelvic floor muscle training are effective in both men and women of all ages.

This is an informative article about urinary incontinence and how we can help!

Many women and men live with urinary incontinence on a daily basis. There is help to correct the problem! Visit our website to request an appointment or call our office at 252-215-5225 to schedule your evaluation today. Gain control of your incontinence, don’t let it control you!

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